Welcome to the Performance in a Mediatised Culture blog, 2009. This is a space for you to share images, ideas and experiences throughout the course.
Contrary to what your course outline says, please meet at 9.30am in the usual classroom for the week 6 excursion. We will go from there.
Selected works that we have watched are now with Iain Murray at the Level 3 Webster desk and are available for you to borrow and watch on campus. You can use these for your essay preparation:
Level 3 desk:
- ‘Cesena’ and ‘Brussels’ in Tragedia Endogonidia by Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio
- Chunky Move Mortal Engine or Glow
- Blast Theory Uncle Roy All Around You and Can You See Me Now?
- The Wooster Group Route 1 & 9 (The Last Act)
- Granular Synthesis Modell 5
- Einstein on the beach[videorecording] :the changing image of opera /
- The Builders Association [videorecording] : Show excerpts and trailers, 1994-2007
Bill Viola documentaries (COFA):
- I do not know what it is that I am like[videorecording] /
- The passing[videorecording]
- Selected works[videorecording] /
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
suddenly noticing surveillance
also i searched my house on google maps and my car is out the front, i dont know if im ok with that. house is fine but rego details... that's a little creepy.
enjoyed class however
Surveillance and Identity in A Scanner Darkly
Talking about surveillance today reminded me of a film I really like called A Scanner Darkly.It was made around about the same time as Sin City and plays with similar animation and manipulation of footage. In a lot of ways I think it’s because they chose to approach the story using this medium that it’s a successful film. Some scenes just wouldn’t be anywhere near as interesting if not for the stylised way it was approached.
Without giving too much away, the film is set in a futuristic world where surveillance plays a key role in society. Among other things the film also brings up notions about how surveillance can affect our perception of identity.
Oh, and be honest now, how many of you where looking around for surveillance cameras as you left uni today…I know I was. Anyone find any?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Advertising and performance in a mediatised culture
Man in the Jacket:
Another interesting performance.
Basically a well known game made to relate to real world events
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
You tube performance
A cool performance/dance with interactive media. Uses a program called Max/Msp/Jitter.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I came across these two videos a few weeks ago, perhaps you are already familiar with them; having just come into the course I’m not entirely sure what you have covered, but in case you haven’t I suggest that both videos are well worth watching.
The first video; A Vision of Students Today, deals with modern students/ learning environments and the way they are influenced by a mediatised culture.
The second; An anthropological introduction to YouTube, is a 55 min detailed presentation dealing with youtube as v global community; how it has evolved, and what it means to us today.
I think there is a lot of information in this presentation that draws parallels to topics we covered today, like the notion Slavov Zizek expresses about virtual realities “Virtual Reality is experienced as reality without being one” (top left hand box, p2, of the hand out.) And there are plenty of examples of how the accessibility of YouTube creates a platform for performance.
Anyway, I thought it was really interesting and I hope you find it useful.
Correction - Causey quote essay question 5
Web links from weeks 1 + 2
ii) Hiroaki Umeda While Going to a Condition
iii) Merce Cunningham Biped (1999)
iv) Paul Kaiser Ghostcatching (1999)
v) John Cage 4’33’’ (1952) http://www.ubu.com/film/cage_433.htmlVariations V (1965) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLOWy3ys8Ag
vi) Nam June Paik Zen For Film (1962/4)
vii) Laurie Anderson O Superman
Monday, March 23, 2009
'guerilla artist' banksy
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Essay Questions 2009
2500-3000 words
Choose one question from the following six questions:
1. In postdramatic form, ‘the quoted motifs, gags or names are not placed inside the frame of a coherent narrative dramaturgy, but rather serve as musical phrases in a rhythm, as elements of a scenic image collage.’ (Lehmann in reader, p168)
Discuss how two contemporary performances studied in this course engage new media technologies to inscribe the poetics of postdramatic form.
2. ‘Counter-surveillance… becomes not only about reversing the gaze but about opening a space for all sorts of reversal in relation to how the gaze and its imagery may be experienced.’ (McGrath in reader, p201)
What kinds of spaces are generated by the practices and performances of counter-surveillance artists? Account for the ways that two performances covered in this course shift the gaze of surveillance.
3. ‘“The cyborged body enters a symbiotic/parasitic relationship with information” (Stelarc 2002a). Again the body [becomes] the interface between inside and outside, between an aesthetic of appearance and one of disappearance…’
(Giannachi 2004 in reader, p60)
Is the cyborg performer symbiotic or parasitic in relation to information? How do they enact appearance and disappearance in play with such information? Discuss with relation to two examples covered in the course.
4. ‘Electronic civil disobedience performs, artistically, politically and economically, informatically, from within the world of information, acting principally at the level of the sign, performing through the modification of the meta-brand’. (Giannachi 2007 in reader, p33)
Discuss how two performances in the course have dealt with the possibility of cyber resistance or disobedience. How did they operate within, or without of, electronic space?
5. ‘The more interesting works of contemporary performance that are concerned with the problems of digital culture are in fact not disturbed by the illusions and aesthetics of the virtual, but are dealing with the material and biopolitics of embeddedness.’ (Causey in reader, p167)
Do you agree? Discuss the aesthetics of the virtual and the politics of embeddedness in relation to two performances covered in this course.
6. Devise your own question in consultation with me. The wording for this must be agreed by no later than week five.