Welcome to the Performance in a Mediatised Culture blog, 2009. This is a space for you to share images, ideas and experiences throughout the course.
Contrary to what your course outline says, please meet at 9.30am in the usual classroom for the week 6 excursion. We will go from there.
Selected works that we have watched are now with Iain Murray at the Level 3 Webster desk and are available for you to borrow and watch on campus. You can use these for your essay preparation:
Level 3 desk:
- ‘Cesena’ and ‘Brussels’ in Tragedia Endogonidia by Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio
- Chunky Move Mortal Engine or Glow
- Blast Theory Uncle Roy All Around You and Can You See Me Now?
- The Wooster Group Route 1 & 9 (The Last Act)
- Granular Synthesis Modell 5
- Einstein on the beach[videorecording] :the changing image of opera /
- The Builders Association [videorecording] : Show excerpts and trailers, 1994-2007
Bill Viola documentaries (COFA):
- I do not know what it is that I am like[videorecording] /
- The passing[videorecording]
- Selected works[videorecording] /
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Better than OBI WAN KENOBI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today we were talking about the future of media and interaction, and here is the real live Obi Wan Kenobi technology, today.
My friend works at Cisco Systems and this is one of the projects they have been working on. You can see the technology at work at around 56 seconds into the video.
i cinema reflection
The glasses that made the work 3D really did it for me. i felt immersed in the work as the glasses make you focus on what is in front and it's effect is so great that you dont notice anything else, but when you take the glasses off, you feel you are just in a room with other people.
was the work also interactive? well i definetly thought so. the animated figures moving around the space made me feel that they knew i was there, like it was something we as humans are sharing with the animated figures. wer'e immersed into their space.
the whole room just gave me this feeling that tvisionary is now on human level. it is that developed and influential that we are one with the medium.
some negatives that i found was that, while interacting with the technology, i felt isolated. alone. when we were clicking on all the screens, i felt it has lost it's liveness because it is all there, stored and ready to be watched, and watching it alone as opposed to tv that your sharing with people all over the world, was kind of unsettling. on a whole i really enjoyed the experience, i did feel i was transported to another place when the glasses were on. however did feel a bit dizzy afterwards.
Sex Machine
iCinema Response
DizzyCinema…the iCinema experience.
Ugh, going over the bridge…reminded me of feeling sea sick, Christina I know where you are coming from. But! Despite my discomfort and need to look at the floor for a couple of minutes, isn’t it incredible just how much these ‘artificial’ worlds can affect us in the ‘real’ ’live’ world.
A few people commented on feeling disorientated and uneasy, but there were also a lot of people who commented in the blog and on the day about feeling as if they were “in a lift” as the image in the rainforest was moving. This same deception of the senses takes place in the mining scenario, your perception of reality is so engaged that you end up dodging bolts in the ceiling (as I’m sure many of us did) or, say in Griffithas case, end up feeling “slightly claustrophobic”.
Lyndell made a comment about the potential sedentary effect this kind of experience could have on people’s experience of travel. As Jocelyn says in her response “if they could take images from all over the world and create the same illusion there would be no need to travel”. And I agree, at least with the possibility of this deep immersion into an artificial world.
The mind can be tricked into feeling motion sickness and vertigo. The senses of sight and hearing are already taken care of. If the technology can be developed to replicate smell , taste and touch, then really what is there in that world that allows us to differentiate between it and our own.
Someone said while we where standing ‘in’ the ruins that if there had been a breeze it would have completed the feeling of being there. Imagine if you were born into that world. It would be just as real as…well, ‘reality’ is. Something I find a little unnerving. Bring on the Matrix?
Despite the distant implications of this technology I think that Karolina makes a very valid point in saying “performance can be mediatised in order to more fully convey the thoughts and ideas of the performance piece, it doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing.”
It’s easy to develop a negative perception of the way technology impacts performance and society as new information and possibilities challenge what we are used to. But I agree, this medium allows for some very interesting approaches that diversify and develop how we appreciate what we can achieve through performance.
It was a great experience and it will be interesting to see how this technology develops…
...or did we ever really leave?
icinema excursion
After a little while I felt quite dizzy, I found my eyes were too closely focusing on the pixilation of the images; I think that had something to do with the low resolution. I’m not as tech savvy as some might be so the experience was intense, I couldn’t even fathom how someone could even produce such a brilliant piece of work. I think this new kind of environment is the way of the future.
iCinema Excursion
My senses also reacted differently to what was shown/heard. My ears and sound were the dominant sense and when there were images as well as sound, like in the Wooster Group's clip, I found myself visually attracted to what I was hearing, so my sight was dictated by what I as hearing, and ignored the clips where there was only the visual and no audio.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Impressions on iCinema
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Week 6: iCinema incursion
Following on, when the rainforest visual came up, I could also hear bird sounds which gave me the impression; I’m on a trek walking through nature, imagining the aromas. This relates to Auslander’s theory of liveness, how mediatization awakens the sensory norm. I sat still in awe and wonder, thinking of far technology has evolved and the direction it was going when watching the landscapes of cultural sites, the car travelling, and the selection of entertainment moments. My eyes worked hard just to catch a glimpse of every part of the screen making me feel dizzy though still wanting more. The liveness of this performance conveys and how it fits together with the everydayness of mediatization becoming more naturalised.
Friday, April 24, 2009
The excursion to the icinema
I enjoyed the 3D images in Place – Hampi and Secret Anglzor. The images of the elephant and the Buddhist figure eating were very cute. Again, the 3D effect enhanced the liveness.
The 3D TV camera set on top of a car in spherecam was an interesting experience especially with the use of fast and slow motion. I did not enjoy it so much because I felt quite ‘car sick’. However the fact that a performance could have such a dramatic physical effect on me just proves its effectiveness of immersing with the audience.
Over all I felt that I learnt a lot about how students are experimenting with virtual technology. I think its great how these students are working with the engineering (mining) faculty to create training programs. I am looking forwards to seeing this technology being used in a more mainstream environment in both performances and for other functional uses.
Week 6 Blog Entry - iCinema Excursion
Contrary to this believe, my experience at the iCinema was the reverse as I felt the virtual environment came to live instead. The Advanced Visualisation and Interaction Environment or AVIE (UNSW 2009) has the capability to render two-dimensional images and footage into more interactive three-dimensional ones along with the help of the three-dimensional glasses. The illusion is very appealing however it left me feeling dizzy after an extended period.
It is interesting to look at the iCinema as a performance medium in a sense that it has both elements of liveness and mediatized within it. Perhaps Auslander’s theory that we often perceive reality only through the mediation of machines(Auslander, 2008) comes to effect in this case as well.
Auslander, P. (2008). Liveness: Performance in a Mediatized Culture. London: Routledge.
UNSW. (2009, April 24). Infrastructure AVIE. Retrieved April 24, 2009, from http://www.icinema.unsw.edu.au/projects/infra_avie.html
Thursday, April 23, 2009
icinema excursion
As each exotic destination appeared my neck couldn’t turn quick enough to take in the images from every angle. I did however find the animated projections placed in Hampi distracting as I was watching the flying bird-man and missed seeing the rest of the beautiful surrounding landscape. The use of these mystic creatures broke with reality which caused a momentary break in my immersive feeling as I didn’t feel I was in the surreal environment anymore, just a viewer again.
As setting up more and more advanced “home cinema experiences” is becoming a hobby for many people and their private lounge rooms in today’s western society, I couldn’t help but imagine the addictive T-Visionarium in the Harvey Norman catalogue in the not too near future!
iCinema: The Matrix and WALL-E
The location scenes also made me think about where technology is headed. If it can simulate reality that well then perhaps something like WALL-E is possible and humans will become completely sedentary, not needing to go anywhere because you can get a better experience sitting in your lounge room. Almost like not needing to go to theatre as television is a more comfortable experience (not that I agree with this). Also perhaps a situation like the one shown in the Matrix could arise with humans living entirely in virtual reality believing it is reality. Definitely thought provoking stuff.
It is exciting to think about the future of performance with this technology becoming available for projects in performance like in Eavesdrop and There is Still Time Brother which played with theatre in the round. It would also be wonderful to see when the technology starts becoming interactive and being used as an incorporated element in performances with live bodies.
I hope there will be opportunities to return to the iCinema to see the developments in the technology and some of their new projects.
My thoughts on iCinema!
The advanced mediatized technology and sound scape really evoked a sense of realness and liveness which related to Auslander's reading. I could relate to his points on the effects of media and how it's live. It transports you! I was so present in the city traveling scene that i had to sit down as I felt motion sickness. I was so amazed at the fact i had a physical experience and had to sit down.
The artistic and creative aspects of the projects really inspire me they all are so innovative and different, from the rain forest to the T Visionarium to the Wooster Project they all incorporate media in a different way to project something very real and present.
Truly awesome experience!!!
being transported to the icinema
After going to India last year I did not think that so soon would I return to this rural Jurassicesque place. The minute we entered the realm surrounded by these boulders, palm trees, ancient ruins and rice patty fields, I knew I was instantly back in Hampi. Nostalgia consumed me as I felt as though, for a minute, I was back in the beauty of this place that held so much significance to me a year ago. My experience of the icinema was that of pure bliss and familiarity, regardless of the synthetic elephants, animated Garnesh and stereotypical Indian tunes, I felt a connection with this new media form by which I was able to lose sight of my ‘actual’ space and place!
What a treat of an excursion, being exposed to this new media form, which I felt enhanced, a simulated environment, to the utmost potential other then actually being there. This innovative technology is the closest I have felt we have come to teleportation and cannot wait to see the next phases of these projects and the evolution of our ever-changing mediatized culture.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
iCinema--So Surreal!
I am often perplexed by modern art, but I think that what artists are doing with this new technology has purpose, requires skill, talent and is entertaining. I was particularly impressed and marveled at the two pieces Eavesdropping and There's Still Time Brother. Eavesdropping reminded me of the one article we read about how while watching theater you have the power to choose what to focus on: the wandering eye. Although this piece was still framed in a way, you had more power to choose what to focus on. You could hear a new story, see a new performance, every time you watch it, too. The way you choose to watch it one time will be completely different than in another time due to order and timing/length of your selection.
I also enjoyed watching There's Still Time Brother. The narrator was so mesmerizing. It was fascinating to watch these artists really experiment and play. It's as if you were watching them brainstorm and perform what was going on in their heads. The blurred effect on the sides enhanced this surreal perspective.
I thoroughly enjoyed these pieces and look forward to when these performances will become more public and mainstream!
iCinema Excursion
To feel that I was in a lift ascending in a rainforest, to sitting on rubble in various countries across the world, to tuning into performances and other people's conversations by pointing a microphone at them - all without so much as moving from my spot on the floor - was an amazing experience. The physical visuals combined with the sound effects opened a new level of reality simulation; the mining tour had me feeling slightly claustrophobic, and I don't think I was the only one in the room dodging the 'bolts' on the 'roof'!
The complete submersion into a visual space went above and beyond any form of 'liveness' i have experienced through a screen; aside from the convenience (if not total bombardment of the senses) of the T-Visionarium, and feeling involved in the performance to the point where you felt performers speaking directly to you, the accessibility and interaction available to someone at the iCinema truely speaks to a 21st century culture!
The iCinema excursion truely showed me how far technology has come, and just when you think it has reached its limit, you are told that further animation and interactive liveness is being worked on - is it bad that i now watch the Foxtel HD ad's and think 'how primitive?'
Icinema experience
iCinema blog
icinema-tacky or affective?
I had a mix of responses. I didnt understand why there were simulated elephants used in the real landscape- wouldnt a real elephant look better? it just seemed disconnected & kitsch. Due to the ‘liveness’ of the event I felt like I was coming in and out of the experience; people’s movements or reactions around me would distract me & i would lose focus. However, when I responded to the images in a connected way the experience really captured my senses. Some of the displays made me feel like I was experiencing inertia; the motion of the camera sliding up from the rainforest floor to rooftop gave the illusion that though the floor was rising. Similar feelings of motion were created in ‘Spherecam’ and ‘Mining VR’, which at times made me feel uneasy (in a good way), mostly because I knew it wasnt 'real' yet it felt so much like it was.
the flash animations they included on top of the photopgraphs worked really well, particularly the elephants - i thought they looked so real.
the thing that really blew my mind was the interaction of all the different television loops. i forget what it was called, but it was amazing. being so interactive and choosing footage to watch by the genre, colour, gender, emotion! crazy. very impressive.
another installation i liked was the eavesdropping one. although it was frustrating trying to follow one storyline, looking at all the scenarios in one perspective was cool.
overall i really enjoyed it!!!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
There is a sense of displacement as if we are transported to the ruins of Angkor Wat. The video of a moving vehicle travelling on the streets of
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
http://www.pjotro.com/site.php - doing the laurie anderson thing but online
www.omegle.com - its funny being annonymous
and also. unrelated. but a band i am in, The Splinter Orchestra, is playin a gig a pact theatre on thursday night, 16/4. support band is a guy how has set up 50 alarm clocks to go off in sync. the splinter orchestra is sydney's premier spontaneous improvising large scale group. up to 30 musicians creating soundscapes. should be good gig. come along.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Granular Synthesis
Technology immersing with objects?
For example the computer coffee table (youtube link)
It is basically a new windows system that looks like a table with touch screen abilities.
And an art work by Alissia Melka-Teichroew called “Keys to Your Memory”
Keys to your memory is a USB designed to look like a Victorian era key. The ceramic bodied stick holds either 2GB or 4GB.
So what’s with new technology trying to look like everyday things? Do you think it plays on our feelings of nostalgia to reconnect with our past?
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Technology=Modern Day Vampires and Zombies?
Her movements were unnatural, her face became distorted, things were out of place on her face. Bryoni mentioned how control and manipulation were also at play here, how the face was being manipulated, the images were controlled by the technology. The effects manipulated us as audience members. And I realized that there was a striking similarity between the images and concepts to vampires and zombies.
Her face was scary like a zombie. Zombies are often distorted creatures. Vampires often move in unnatural ways, they also have the ability to manipulate and control their victims (as in Dracula with Lucy). What also scares us about Zombies and Vampires is how much more powerful they are than us--we can't really kill them. They are the "undead."
Similarly, technology is the "unalive." It can control and manipulate us. It is not natural. Is technology our modern day Vampire or Zombie? Vampires and Zombies used to be people's biggest fear--Is technology now our biggest fear? Are we absolutely mortified of the power it has over us?
Bill Viola's Newage altars and their significance
Monday, April 6, 2009
I also saw Night Garden and Road kill recently. Both incorporated mediated elements into live performance. I found that Night Garden used projections effectively to create surreal and spooky atmospheres. Road kill uses a radio on stage in order to heighten the ‘realness’ of the performance. There is also a scene where two dancers performed a duet with a torch. This very basic use of technology created such beautiful shadows and light movement. Even though the use of a torch seems like such a simple idea, I found it to be the most interesting and successful in the performance.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Harry Potter's Cloak
From surveillance to mind control
And... back to that old fashioned thing called privacy, you can see how Google Street View is definitely polarising communities: SMH Villagers Block Google Mobile
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
surveillance, art & other things
Why bother twittering?
And I totally agree with you Talin, why bother playing that game? Anyways after today’s lecture and all the google earth talk, I read in the newspaper today that it has become more common to divorced due to finding their partner’s car parked outside somewhere they shouldn’t be.