
Welcome to the Performance in a Mediatised Culture blog, 2009. This is a space for you to share images, ideas and experiences throughout the course.

Contrary to what your course outline says, please meet at 9.30am in the usual classroom for the week 6 excursion. We will go from there.

Selected works that we have watched are now with Iain Murray at the Level 3 Webster desk and are available for you to borrow and watch on campus. You can use these for your essay preparation:

Level 3 desk:
- ‘Cesena’ and ‘Brussels’ in Tragedia Endogonidia by Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio
- Chunky Move Mortal Engine or Glow
- Blast Theory Uncle Roy All Around You and Can You See Me Now?
- The Wooster Group Route 1 & 9 (The Last Act)
- Granular Synthesis Modell 5

- Einstein on the beach[videorecording] :the changing image of opera /
- The Builders Association [videorecording] : Show excerpts and trailers, 1994-2007

Bill Viola documentaries (COFA):
- I do not know what it is that I am like[videorecording] /
- The passing[videorecording]
- Selected works[videorecording] /

Monday, May 18, 2009

Icinema reflection- clem russell

Hi all,
Same as below, I know I’m a bit late so apologies! But better late then never! I really enjoyed the Icinema excursion. For the last two years I have walked past that the Icinema and wondered what went on behind those doors. In terms of what actually occurred the overall feelings of excitement I originally felt from the prospects of an excursion remained through out the experience, but were consistently challenged as we ventured further in to the degrees of reality and technology that Icinema presented.

The most intriguing part of the event (for me) was the 3D televisions! I was fascinated and intrigued with what we (the human) became in that room. As the elements that surrounded us began to encompass some degree of life, I felt my existence challenged. It was almost as though we became a hybrid with the screens (the floating ones that is) Everything had its own purpose yet heavily relied upon the other factors for its existence/reasoning of being there! We ultimately controlled the screen choice, but they inturn controlled our attention or choice of what to watch (as there was so many options at once) so who was governing who became blurred. I hope I’m making sense! This made me feel slightly insignificant compared to the technology that was on exhibit. That life had progressed way past the point of me living in the 3D world, and TV – Internet existing only in the 2D world.

To simplify what I am trying to say, overall I felt all the elements of the Icinema made a me feel less like an individual and more like a human/technology cyborg, in co-existence with the room! I felt transported, yet that transportation on some level was to the places we were visiting, but more a trip inside the visions being seen. I felt as though I was the camera or technology viewing the selected scenes.

This gave me a new outlook in to the directions education and experience are taking. The possibilities of being with out moving are becoming more and more a reality. (Kinda second life sims type experience)

Thus, Overall I think this type of technology has great potential but we as a society must be careful when using it not to exploit its power. I think the ways in which it could aid most industries is incredibly amazing but there is nothing like personal experience and we must be careful to remember the differences between actual 3D and technologically stimulated 3D.

Just to add! Also, it was really fun! Made me feel a bit dizzy and sick at times! Also made me feel like I needed a holiday! I loved the beach and driving part as well! That was slightly trippy yet an overall wicked experience.

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